Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So life is crazy. Who's isn't, right? I know. It's so hard to believe that Chris and I have been married for over 6 months and that I have officially lived in Connecticut that long. I know I haven't been keeping up with this blog very well, and now my chosen subject for the blog is so silly. Most people are going to say, "why in the world did you post about THAT?" But it was so funny, I just can't help myself! So here goes the story...
The other day, Chris and I were discussing how he has all the worst luck in the world. He's gotten pulled over by cops and given tickets for the smallest infractions that everyone has done in their lifetime and probably do on a daily basis. Things like rolling through a stop sign or not wearing a seatbelt have proven to be infractions of no mercy for my poor husband. So we were discussing these things. The very next day, I get home from work in the early afternoon, well before Chris was home. His bicycle that he has ridden several miles on recently and has owned for several years was out on the porch. Randomly, out of nowhere, I hear a loud pop and hissing for about 30 seconds. It took me a few seconds to figure out that his back bike tire had gone flat for no reason whatsoever. No one was touching it, nothing was poking it, not a thing had changed on the porch. Except that his poor bike tire had apparently had too much and could no longer handle life, and had obviously committed suicide. Well, i laughed for about 20 minutes straight and informed Chris of the death of his inner tube upon his arrival home. He was less than amused and ranted about "the worst luck ever! I'm never going to play the lottery!" :D I'm still laughing about it as I write this. Poor Chris! :D


Richard-n-Candace said...

Poor Chris.. he has no luck huh? This is funny actually..glad you shared the story.

JerseyGirl said...

Poor Chris....LOL, I am laughing so hard that I'm crying...It's tears of sympathy, no wait, empathy...yeah, that's it, LOL...

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New York City
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