Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We Have Moved!

Blogs are hard to keep up with.  Who knew?  Since Chris last posted an update so much has happened in our lives.  We are so grateful that God has a perfect plan for us and works through us as we trust Him.  Almost a month ago now, we moved to the other side of Connecticut and now live in Torrington.  A small church here has asked Chris to be the pastor.  We see so many opportunities for growth and leadership in the church and are so excited about the future.  The people are so welcoming and friendly, and we really feel at home here.  Our plans for the near future include many outreach opportunities and spreading the Gospel as much as we can.  We have begun monthly youth activities to get the young people involved, have updated the website, and have ordered new Gospel tracts.
Our new apartment here is huge!  1300 square feet can be so overwhelming when you had less than 500 before. :)  Not that we are complaining...We are talking about getting a pet.  Since we have no yard, I was hoping for a Siamese cat.  Chris seems to firmly believe that dogs are much cooler.  I would be fine with either. 
I have gotten my hair cut!  I don't remember the last time I had short hair since I was probably still in diapers, so it's a big change for me.  I am enjoying it though.  My sister, Grace, was up visiting last week and she decided to get hers cut as well.  I think she was instrumental in my courage to actually go through with it. :)  I posted a picture of the new 'do here.
It is so exciting to be in a new chapter of our lives!  Please stop in and see us if you are in the New England area.  We love having visitors! :)

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New York City
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